Knowledge and Resource Center (continued)
- Realizing Resilience Part 2: One Year Later, Updates on Health Center and Social Sector Response to SDOH Needs during COVID-19
- PRAPARE 101 Office Hour (November 2020)
- Realizing Resilience: A First Look at Health Center and Social Sector Response to Social Determinants of Health Needs during COVID-19
- Rural Health Group, Granville Vance Public Health System & Halifax County Public Health System
- Screening Tool Versions
- PRAPARE Overview
- Show off PRAPARE SDOH Work in Your Health Center
- Strategizing Workflow Models to Implement PRAPARE to Collect Standardized Data on Social Determinants of Health (March 2018)
- Template User Guide
- The Impact of COVID-19 on PRAPARE Social Determinants of Health Domains
- The PRAPARE PCA Readiness Assessment Tool
- The PRAPARE Risk Stratification Model Fact Sheet
- Using PRAPARE in a Rural Health Clinic
- What is PRAPARE?
- Webinar Series: Assessing & Addressing the Social Determinants of Health during COVID-19
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