Class 1: End Users
A health care provider, institution, or social service organization that uses a PRAPARE Electronic Health Record template to screen for and record social risks that may impact health outcomes and disparities, health care spending, and health care costs.
- Community, Migrant, Homeless or Public Housing Health Centers (aka, FQHCs or Health Center Program entities). Also includes PCAs and HCCNs.
- Other safety net providers/organizations (entities serving predominantly uninsured or Medicaid-insured populations). Includes safety-net focused ACOs and IPAs
- Other health care providers/organizations not serving predominantly uninsured or Medicaid-insured populations. Includes other ACOs and IPAs
- Social services agencies or organizations
- Residency and other clinical training programs
- Medicaid managed care plans employing or paying for, incentivizing, or rewarding staff to directly screen patients
- Other managed care plans employing or paying for, incentivizing, or rewarding staff to directly screen patients
- Other organizations for whom NACHC PRAPARE project partners deem as meeting this definition.
Next Step:
Complete the End User License Agreement.
Class 2: Organizations building technical platforms for end users to screen, document, and analyze PRAPARE data
Non -end user organizations building the PRAPARE screening tool into an electronic platform for end users.
- Electronic Health Record vendors (clinical records)
- Population health analytics vendors
- Population health management tool vendors
- Application developers
- Health Center Controlled Networks building applications to support PRAPARE data collection and use
- Third-party vendors who work with other EHR vendors (e.g., Azara)
- IT consultants
- Social prescribing/referrals tracking platforms (e.g., Aunt Bertha, Healthify, Health Begins, 211, NowPow, UniteUs, etc.)
- Government or publicly funded agencies developing such technical approaches
- Other organizations for whom NACHC PRAPARE project partners deem as meeting this definition.
Next Step:
Interested in learning more and moving forward with a licensing agreement, contact the PRAPARE Team.